Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Sky is Warming, The Sky is Warming

Hyperbole and Baby Boomers are synonymous. It really doesn't matter the subject matter.  However, when it comes to climate change, the Boomers even outdo themselves in extravagant exaggeration.

In the latest study conducted about climate change, the National Academy of Sciences is calling for even more extreme measures to counter the earth's warming temperatures.  (Now, before, I lose the zealots who are absolutely convinced climate change is happening, I have read climate change studies and do believe that "man" is a major factor that has led to increased earth temperatures.  When you think about it, it is pretty obvious.  The earth's human population has increase substantially in the last hundred years and there are bound to be some affects.)

With that said, some of the foolish exaggeration coming out of these Baby Boomer scientist's mouths are dumbfounding.  Here are some points from the Los Angeles Times article covering the new climate change study:
  • Human populations should be shifted from coastal locations. (Seriously?  Should we really start panicking when nothing has happened to demonstrate rising tides)
  • The Southwest will inevitably become more arid. (Really? Why can't the Northeast become more arid and the Southwest become more wet?  Where is the data to back this up?...or there isn't any)
  • The ocean levels are going to increase by 5 feet by the end of the century(We can't predict the weather for next week, but we are sure about the ocean level increase in 100 years? Yeah...right.)
From reading past climate change studies, the only thing that can be proved is that the earth has been warming in the last twenty years.  There also seems to be correlation between industry output and warming temperatures.  However, that is where the science stops. The rest of the arguments are typical Baby Boomer exaggerations about a myriad of climate change catastrophes.  With no data to back up their hyperbole, the Boomer scientists studying climate change have very little credibility.

The sad element is that climate change may affect the planet substantially.  However, the Boomer scientists and Boomer politicians like Al Gore are going to exaggerate to the point that we will stop listening to them.

Didn't any of these Boomers read Chicken Little?

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