Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Over Forty Five and Still Pathetic

According to a newly released survey by AARP"Americans 45 and older are far more open to sex outside of marriage."  Gee, what a surprise.  The generation that perfected divorce and made a travesty of the institution of marriage wants to pervert it even further.  So, when Stephen Stills sang out "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with," the Boomers really took that as gospel.

The Baby Boomers obviously did not invent divorce but they did become the most divorced generation in American history.  According to the Americans for Divorce Reform, the divorce rate started to increase in the 1960's and then peaked in the 1980's.  This is another example of Baby Boomers not actually changing things, as they always claim, but taking an element of society and running with it or in this case destroying it.  Currently, one out of every two marriages fails.  However, there is no doubt that when Boomers finally stop getting married and divorced (which should happen when the finally get in their seventies and Viagra doesn't work anymore), the divorce rate will surely decline.

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